Ejemplos de uso de radio active
1. During the cold war radio–active waste was discharged from Sellafield via a pipeline directly into the sea.
2. The scanning project at PQA when operational would prevent the use of containers for transportation of arms, radio active materials and narcotic to the US.
3. Ruth Kelly, more Brownite than a Blairista, gets Prescott‘s old job, an important but thankless task, while the Blairite David Miliband picks up Mrs Beckett‘s radio–active portofolio: climate change and the nuclear power agenda.
4. Permission to reprint/republish Stanford University microbiologist Elisabeth Bik and colleagues say their "somewhat surprising" findings indicate "that the human stomach may be home to a distinct microbial ecosystem." Its denizens include a bacterium related to one found in radio–active waste dumps.
5. Why are these dissident Russians (who are plotting the unlawful and violent overthrow of Russia’s democratically elected government) allowed asylum here to carry out their anarchy from the privacy of their luxury British homes and on the streets of London when the Russians come looking for them, but end up endangering the lives of innocent British people with radio–active materials.